Future Machine appeared in Finsbury Park on Saturday 11th November 2023
Future Machine met families outside the playground and they spoke to the future.
A group gathered outside Furtherfield Gallery with Future Machine, Esi Eshun, Rachel Jacobs and Caroline Locke visiting with her tree bell, to begin the guided walk to seven trees around the park, exploring ideas of the future of Finsbury Park impacted by climate change and what would we need to know about the trees in order to survive. Esi led the walk, visiting a Yew, Osmanthus, Wild Cherry, Walnut, Palms and a Rowan tree, finishing at the Rowan Tree we planted in the Spring outside the Commons during the Bell Weather Day celebrations.
Afternoon at the Commons
People met Future Machine and spoke to the future whilst music, drumming and dancing took place outside the Commons with Asafo and students from the Finsbury Park Drumming School.
Future Machine and the Rainmakers played the music of the weather, providing headphones for people who wanted to immerse themselves in the sounds as they sat amongst the autumnal trees, with the gold, orange and red leaves at their feet, feeling the weather and park around them.
As the sun set the afternoon turned to evening with food, music from Mad Le Noir and West African fusion music performed by the group, Zantogola as people danced below the trees.
When The Autumn Leaves Fell in Finsbury Park 2023 featured Rachel Jacobs and Future Machine, Alexandre Yemaoua Dayo, Dave Kemp, Esi Eshun, Caroline Locke and the Tree Bell, Shreya Rai, Papia Ghoshal and Miles NCube, vocal, bird song, melody and percussion, Asafo Gyata, dancer and choreographer, The Drumming School Students, Ancient Lyric, Kenny, Rafael and Wayne and Zantagola.