About The Future Machine

The Future Machine is a witness.

It is a large octagon on wheels made of ash, oak, steel, brass and copper, with a hand crank, lever, dials and a slot where personalised ‘future quests’ are printed on cards for people to take away.  The appearance of this mysterious artwork bestows what may be termed a mythical status on these moments and places. .

Future Machine in Schools

Future Machine is available for school visits, alongside classroom and outdoors workshops that combine art, music, design and technology to learn about climate change, ecology, sustainability and thinking about the future. Artist, creative educator and researcher Rachel Jacobs, who created Future Machine, performs as Future Machine's companion and facilitates workshops and learning activities.

Journey of the Future Machine

The Future Machine sits on a hand cart ready for the journey, travels the country and plugs into a greater whole of many parts. It stands as a witness to the places, people, stories and events of these turbulent times, as the Earth changes, and we take a journey into an uncertain future.

Guardians of the Future Machine

The Future Machine aims to travel across England to the same places every year for the next 30 years. The 'Guardians of the Future Machine' will help the Future Machine along it's journey. More information will be coming soon about becoming a Guardian of the Future Machine.

grey scale sketch of the Future Machine from the back angle with the lever and weather station in view

Your Message to the Future

If you have left a message for the future when the Future Machine appeared you can view your personal Future Quest to listen, watch and remember the moment. You will need the secret code given to you by the machine.

News From The Planet

The artist Rachel Jacobs who created the Future Machine is working with climate scientist Prof John King to create the future quests that are printed by the Future Machine. These are informed by the latest news from the planet captured over the last three months.

Making A Future Machine

The Future Machine was designed through a series of ‘Building a Future Machine’ workshops that have taken place across England in Nottingham, London, Loughborough. Anyone can come together to build a Future Machine.

grey scale sketch of an early design of the Future Machine with a large trumpet on the left side and a large wheel on the right side and four wooden feet

A Letter from 2050

Anon 2050

The Future Machine was built to help us as we took a journey into an uncertain future, as the Earth was changing and we sought new ways to be in the world and tell our stories. We found guardians for the machine. Who took it to the special places, that were sacred to us, and where we could hide it in plain sight. We hoped people would come to find it, and the guardians would continue to protect and care for it as well as the places they cared for. We hoped people would keep asking the difficult questions, as we placed our difficulties, hopes, sanctity and dreams into it’s safe keeping.

Video Gallery

News From The Planet

The artist Rachel Jacobs who created the Future Machine is working with climate scientist Dr John King to create the future quests that are printed by the Future Machine. These are informed by the latest news from the planet captured over the last three months.

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